1) WE DO NOT HOLD HORSES WITHOUT A DEPOSIT – Any person can make a $100 NON REFUNDABLE deposit on a horse to hold it for 48 hours. This is not refundable for ANY reason regardless of if you show up or not for your appointment. The 48 hours starts from the MOMENT we get payment and cannot be rescheduled or extended without another deposit. If the depositor shows up and later decides within 7 days to buy the horse the $100 will apply to the price of the horse. If the buyer declines to buy the horse then we will apply $50 discount to the price of the horse for future buyers for each deposit that did not result in a purchase up to a maximum of $1000. Making an appointment to come see a horse does NOT constitute a hold of any kind without a deposit. You may pay several $100 deposits at one time to hold the horse for 2 days PER $100. Horses can also be held for 1 week (7 days) for $250 hold fee. this will apply to the horse’s purchase price ONLY if purchased within that 1 week period.

2) TRANSPORT IS NOT INCLUDED – Transport can be arranged but will only be done if the horse is paid for in full. Transport is not free and if you need transport you should inquire about the cost prior to agreeing to buy a horse. We will not COD a horse to you. Because we partner with different trainers our horses are not always located in the same location. Pay attention to where it says the horse is located on their information page.

3) WE ONLY ACCEPT CASHAPP, PAYPAL, OR CASH – We accept payments via Cashapp (we are a business on Cashapp), Paypal, or good ole Cash at Pickup. We sell horses to the first person who PAYS for them not promises to pay or is coming on a certain date.

4) HORSES ARE SOLD AS IS – PPE exams are allowed AT the buyers expense any issue discovered on a PPE where the buyer decides NOT to buy the horse should be brought to our attention so that we can make sure to include it in the information about the horse. If the buyer elects NOT to do a PPE then they accept that their may be hidden or unknown issues with the horse and we are not going to refund you for any medical issues or take on any medical expenses regarding the horse after the sale. Medical responsibility for the horse transfers to the buyer from the MOMENT the horse is paid for. If we must haul a horse to a vet to do a PPE the cost of transport is at the buyers expense transport must be paid in full before the transport date and must be arranged in advance. Buyer must ALSO pay the deposit for holding the horse if they are getting a PPE, PPE must be done within the hold period. We strongly recommend the 1 week hold for PPE holds so buyer has time to get the PPE back and make a decision as we will NOT hold the horse past the paid for hold period.

5) BUYERS HAVE 14 DAYS TO PICKUP – After paying for your horse 14 days of free care is included to allow for you to arrange pickup. After 14 days there is a $25 dollar a day boarding charge that must be paid in full before the horse can be picked up. This does NOT apply if the buyer is contracted with us as the transporter and the first available transport date we have falls outside that 14 day window, no boarding charge will be charged if WE cannot transport within that 14 day window. However if the buyer declines the first available date and ELECTS to have a transport date outside the 14 day window the boarding charge WILL apply even if we are transporting the horse. In order to be considered contracted for the first available date the buyer MUST have a SIGNED transport contract WITH US within 48 hours of payment for the horse.

6) WE ARE NOT A KILL PEN OR A RESCUE FACILITY Even though we acquire equines often from situations that may be considered rescuing we are NOT a 501c3 Rescue. If you buy a horse from us you are buying a horse from a PRIVATE entity and not a kill pen or a rescue. We are a FOR PROFIT institution. No horse that we have is going to ship directly from us to a slaughter facility. If we use the word ship that means we are shipping to a horse auction. Auctions do put horses at risk for slaughter. We cannot control where a horse ends up at an auction even when we have reserves on horses. Slaughter buyers will buy horses for meat price or they will buy horses for their rehome programs at non meat prices. We are not a rescue, as such we cannot offer tax deductions and any monetary or physical gifts are consider just that gifts.

7) GIFTS ARE ACCEPTED – Because we get in a lot of horses that will have little to no profit margin we do accept gifts both physical gifts like halters, buckets, or tack as well as monetary gifts toward feed and vet care. Gifts allow us the flexibility to take on horses that would generally not generate any profit such as horses that are heavily starved or in need of vet care. Starved horses on average cost 2-3x more to feed and must remain here longer before sale which means that even if we paid $300 to acquire them they will take 60-120 days to sell and need to be fed a much more calorie heavy diet (rice bran, high calorie feed, alfalfa) that is more expensive. On average a starved horse cost us around $12-16 a day to feed vs around $5 a day for a healthy horse. If you purchase a general tack item as a gift like a halter, saddle pad, boots, lead ropes, buckets these will be retained by us to use with future horses. If you purchase feed items these will be used for ALL horses needing those feed items. If you purchase CUSTOM tack gifts for a particular horse like a halter with a name plate or things of a specific size to the horse or with a card that specifically says it is for a certain horse then THOSE items will go with that horse when that horse leaves our care EXCEPT if the horse goes to auction. We do not maintain a separate vet fund for each horse so unless you call the vet and SPECIFICALLY pay toward one animal’s bill ANY vet gifts will be put in the general vet fund for ALL animals including non horses. At this time we do not currently accept gifts to lower the price of a horse because each horse’s price rises the longer they are here and it makes it cumbersome for us to accept such gifts.

8) OUT OF STATE BUYERS MUST GET A HEALTH CERT – If the buyer is out of state a health cert is required to transport. Hauling to the vet for a health cert is not included and is EXTRA on top of the horse’s price. We charge a flat $150 dollars to get a health cert which includes hauling to the vet, the cost of the certificate, and handling of the horse. We need to know ahead of time if we need to schedule a health cert or you may miss your transport window. We cannot do same day health certs. Health certs are not able to be gotten on Sat/Sun or any holiday.

9) THE ONLY WAY TO GET A HORSE THAT HAS SHIPPED TO AUCTION IS TO GO TO THE AUCTION AND WIN IT! – After a certain period of time unsold we will take a horse to the next auction. Every horse has a LAST DAY listed usually before they are consigned to an auction and after the date mentioned as the last day the horse will NO LONGER be able to be bought outside of the auction until they have run through the auction. Most of our horses DO end up selling at auction there is a very low chance the horse will return to our sale’s facility after being sent to auction. Once a horse has been consigned to an auction it will continue to go to auction without further warning until it is sold.